Course Syllabus


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Welcome to CS361: Software Engineering I

Start Here

Please begin the course by clicking the Start Here button.

Start Here Button

By the end of this course, you should be able to...

  • Select the most appropriate software process model to use in a particular situation
  • Synthesize requirements for a realistic software system and write a requirements specification document
  • Produce professional-quality software-related documents
  • Model system requirements using one or more semi-formal notations such as UML, dataflow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, or state diagrams
  • Design software systems at an architectural level and at lower levels, using one or more techniques, such as object-oriented design or agile methods, and express these designs in design specification documents
  • Validate designs and adjust the specification or design as necessary
  • Describe several methods of estimating the cost and developing a schedule for a programming project
  • Participate effectively in a team environment

Meet the Instructor

Hello, everyone! I'm Lara Letaw, your CS361 instructor. This is my favorite course to teach and develop! Each term, I create a new iteration based on student feedback. This term, you'll be learning about one of the most exciting new developments in software engineering in the last 10 years: the rise of the microservices architecture. You will create your own microservice and have it use data from microservices created by your classmates.

While you'll implement your project individually (not as part of a team), you'll be coordinating with and working with others throughout the term. This gives you the benefit of learning from your classmates---people with wonderfully diverse life experiences---without the drawback of relying on classmates for large portions of your grade.

There are also extra credit assignments throughout the term where you can give feedback on how the course is going for you. It's this feedback I'll use to keep improving the course---in the future or maybe even this term.

I'm really excited to be here with you and hope these months go well for you! Also, please keep in mind that if you encounter any difficulties I might be able to help with, please contact me and we can talk over email, Slack, or during office hours. Your wellness is important and there are different kinds of accommodations I can make. A couple resources:

Let's have a successful term!

Photos at the bottom taken at the dramatic Oregon Coast in winter (and that's my dog, Freyr!)





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Syllabus & Schedule

Syllabus Quiz

After completing all "Start Here" module readings, take this quiz:

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Communication Policy

Please post all course-related questions on Piazza. Please send an email to your instructor or TAs for matters of a personal nature. When you email your TA or myself, you should expect a response within 48 hours. You can expect your assignments to be graded within one week of the due date.

Contact Information & Office Hours

TA office hours start during Week 2 (via Slack).

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Course Tools

  • Piazza: Discussion board for questions about the course material and project requirements, general course questions, providing course feedback/suggestions, etc.
  • Slack: A text/voice/video chat app for talking synchronously with TAs, other students, and with me. Slack will be used for office hours.

See sidebar for links to both these tools.

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Academic or Student Support Services

For all other academic and student support services, refer to the Student Services link found in the course menu.

The following services are available to all Ecampus students:

Accessibility Statements

This course uses technologies that may support accessibility in different ways. Please refer to the accessibility statement for each technology provider for details as to the level and types of accessibility that are supported.

Follow this link to access Accessibility Statements for commonly used software.

Accessibility Tools for Canvas

Canvas Technical Questions

If you have a technical issue or question when using Canvas, 24/7 support is available in Canvas via chat, phone, or e-mail through the Help link in the menu on your left .

Additional technical support (use of software/browsers) can be accessed through the OSU Computer Helpdesk.

Copyright & Ownership of Materials

  • The materials on this course website are only for the use of students enrolled in this course for purposes associated with this course and may not be retained or further disseminated.
  • Course materials are cited within the Syllabus and Modules based on the copyright policy of each item.
  • When copyright permission is required, Ecampus has contacted the copyright owner.
  • When a fair use determination has been made, this has been documented.
  • Images that are not cited have been obtained from the public domain or via a paid subscription or are images taken by the instructor.

Please contact the instructor if you have any questions about the copyright and ownership of materials presented in this course.

Peer Tutoring

Privacy Policies for External Tools

Follow this link to access Privacy Policies for commonly used external tools that require the user to create an account.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due