Course Syllabus

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General Course Description

Note:  Make sure that you are able to receive notifications from Canvas, especially for Announcements! Also make sure to sign up for Slack!

At this point in your CS education, you are getting very close to graduating. Congratulations! As part of showing what you've learned, this course will give you an opportunity to take a software project from start to finish. The instructor will play two roles in this course: the facilitator for course work, and the "Client" for your projects.

As a member of a 3-person "Development Team", you will gather requirements from the Client, propose a development plan, and then begin work. Over the course of the term you will be submitting Progress Reports to show what you have been doing. At the end of the term, you will submit a final report and showcase your projects!

You are expected to spend roughly 100 hours total in the assignments for this course, the bulk of which are authoring your Team's software project. Remember that, as in a workplace environment, you will probably be unequally yoked, and you each will have different abilities and skills. Some of you may be more capable programmers than the other members of your group! Remember to communicate frequently and honestly to keep each other appraised of your efforts. Failure to do so has caused many issues in the past!

There are no tests, midterms, or finals in this course

Instructor and TA Information

The instructor for the course is Bill Pfeil.

The GTA(s) for the course are:

Your work may be graded by the instructor or one of the TAs, according to the table below:

Assignment Bill Pfeil Prachi Rahurkar Iman Aminzahed
Choose Your Project All Dev Teams
Meet Your Team All Dev Teams
Create Project Plan All Dev Teams
Weekly Progress Reports Groups A* - K* Groups L* - Z*
Mid-Point Project Check Groups A* - K* Groups L* - Z*
Create Poster All Dev Teams
Create Final Report Groups A* - K* Groups L* - Z*
Demonstrate Project Groups A* - K* Groups L* - Z*

Career Showcase

Update:  The Showcase and Expo will be virtual this summer. The silver lining is that ALL of you should plan to attend.  More details as we get closer... :)

Just after Fall and Spring terms end, we hold Career Showcases where you can come hear from companies looking to hire graduates from our program. If you're available, come network with these businesses and sign up for a few time slots to speak directly with them. It's a tremendous opportunity you won't want to miss. The students who attend always rave about it - many of them get jobs and internships as a result. These events are typically held in Portland, OR.

If you would like to attend (attendance is entirely optional, of course), you may share the project you complete in this class at the Showcase using the poster you prepare at the end of this course. Simply let me know you're coming, and that you would like to use your poster, and I'll get it printed and brought with me to the Showcase. Attendance at the Showcase will be required to produce a poster; i.e., I won't print a poster if you're not there.

As part of your poster presentation, the attending employers have a dedicated time where they come by and talk to you about what you're displaying. You don't give a public speech: instead, the employers come to you and ask you about what you're showing. Past attending employers have included Intel, IBM, Mentor Graphics, Ideal-Logic, Columbia Sportswear, HP, Garmin, Daimler Trucks, CBT Nuggets, and tons more! Travel grants are available to get you to Portland, too.

If you have questions, please ask them in our discussion board.

Letters of Recommendation

As much as I enjoy having you in the class, I am generally unable to provide you with a letter of recommendation. I will only be able to write letters for students I know. If you're interested and think I know you well enough, feel free to ask!

About the Instructor

My name is Bill Pfeil and I’ll be your instructor for the Capstone course. I have a M.S. in Math Education from OSU. I did my undergrad at the University of Arizona in Applied Math and ECE. In between my two degrees I spent 25 years as a software engineer, and have worked on everything from client-server apps to games. I am excited to work with all of you as you complete your projects!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due