Start Here — Communication Policy

Communication Policy


Phil is currently located in the GMT timezone Links to an external site. in Germany and as such, not physically located in Corvallis.
Hannah is currently located in the PT timezone Links to an external site. in California.

General response time

You should expect a response to emails, Ed Discussion Posts, MS Teams chats, and Canvas messages within 24 hours on a business day (Mondays to Fridays excluding holidays) and 48 hours on a weekend day by either me or the instructional team.

Weekly office hour

Based on past experience in online teaching, we do not offer regular, virtual office hours on a recurring basis.

Zoom meeting on request

If you prefer a 1-on-1 zoom meeting for questions about the course materials, UX, or personal matters related to the class, please contact the Instructors via Teams, Canvas, or e-mail and schedule a zoom meeting, where we will meet with you virtually to discuss your concerns.


Email directly Hannah Scott | or me (Philipp Jordan | for matters of a personal nature. If you have a situation that will interfere with the course work, contact us as soon as possible, so we can work on a solution.

A tile holder for the scrabble board game which has the tiles arranged to say “contact”.