Module 5 — Post Your Initial Designs and Concepts to Design Gallery #1 | Group Assignment
- Due Oct 28, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 12
- Available until Oct 28, 2021 at 11:59pm
This is a mid-week Group Assignment, which you will post in Design Gallery # 1.
Description and Background
Your mission is to complete a substantial UX design and research project. You will do so by following the processes, methods, and principles we learn in CS 352, specifically the Design Thinking process.
We are currently in the “Ideate” phase of your UX Group Project.
At this point in time, you should have conducted your initial user research and gathered important insights and pain points from your interviews and observations. It is now time to revisit that user research and use it to brainstorm and draw your three (3) initial concepts for your UX research project. You will present these concepts to the class and use them to assess your ideas and decide which concept to pursue further using user studies and class feedback in the following weeks.
Your Task
Your team is tasked with creating three (3) different concepts for your UX project and posting them in Design Gallery #1.
- Brainstorm and sketch out three (3) initial concepts — not prototypes.
- Each concept should have a minimum of three (3) screens.
- *Important: *A different concept is a significant variation or design alternative for a similar scope, affordance, or main feature of your project. See the notes for additional information on what constitutes a different concept and what does not.
- Annotate your three (3) concepts in a meaningful way (e.g. Concept #1 Title, Concept #2 Title, and Concept #3 Title) and use arrows and links to show and explain how the three (3) screens for each concept relate to each other (e.g. Concept #1 - Home Screen, Concept #1 - Search screen, Concept #1 - Results screen).
- Post your three (3) concepts in Design Gallery #1.
- Important: You might need to upload images or a PDF or share a link so we can all access it to review your work.
- If you share links, please make sure that they are 'view-only' by everybody without having to sign in.
- Instead of a link, it would be great if you can screencap and paste or upload your concepts directly into the discussion threadm so the class can simply view them in the Canvas Discussion.
- Either way is fine, just make sure we can easily access and view the concepts :)
Don't go into too much detail or strive for perfectly designed and polished concepts/screens. This is about ideation and exploration, not perfection. Use your user research insights and your own research to brainstorm ideas and put them on (digital) paper. There will be plenty of time to improve these concepts via research and iteration in the remainder of the class.
Once you have posted your concepts, your team will receive individual student feedback on your designs via: Module 5 — Comment on the Concepts of Two Other Teams in Design Gallery # 1 | Individual Assignment.
Submit This
Submit a discussion post here: Comment on the Concepts of Two Other Teams in Design Gallery # 1 | Individual Post and either:- Embed the three (3) concepts directly into the discussion post for review.
- Embed a sign-in free, view-only link to a document, image, Google Drive folder, or similar, where we can access and review.
- Attach your concepts to the post in the form of a PDF, image file, or something similar.
Submit on Time: This is a hard deadline, with no exceptions. Only 1 post per group. When you are ready to submit your Teams post, start a new thread in the Canvas Discussion and provide your team name, project title alongside your three (3) annotated concepts, e.g.: Team Polaris — Simple Fitness — Concept 1 Screenshots/Scans/Links — Concept 2 Screenshots/Scans/Links — Concept 3 Screenshots/Scans/Links).
Click here Links to an external site..
Image attributions
- Design Thinking 1 Links to an external site.” on the Interaction Design Foundation is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 Links to an external site.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
3 Concepts - 9 Interfaces
Team posts a minimum of 3 significantly different concepts, each with a minimum of 3 sketches or screens per concept. (In total that makes 9 screens).
- 1P per concept/screen
3 Concepts - 3 Interaction Flows
Each concept shows how the sketches or screens relate to one another via annotations, arrows, or links.
Total Points:
out of 12