Module 6 — Overview
Expert Reviews and Empirical Evaluations
Module 6 serves multiple purposes which are listed below:
- The teamwork continues: Student Teams will continue working on their term-long group projects. As such, the module introduces a larger group submission which is due at the end of the week.
- Students will complete their third individual assignment, a heuristic evaluation of a website.
- Students are introduced to the following three foundational topics through two video lectures, two explorations, and extensive readings:
- Expert Reviews / Formal Evaluations
- Empirical Evaluations
These topics are critical for the fourth and fifth phases of the Design Thinking process, which you will use throughout the quarter for your UXR project.
Module Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this module, you should be able to do the following in addition to answering the questions listed below:
- Conduct a heuristic evaluation of a website or app.
- Create an interactive prototype in a team environment.
- Plan a usability test and a heuristic evaluation for a UX project.
- Define and describe non-empirical testing approaches in UXR.
- Can you name and define selected non-empirical testing approaches in UXR?
- Can you describe how to conduct a heuristic evaluation in your own words using an example?
- Can you name and explain the concept of heuristics and provide some examples?
- What is the severity rating of a usability problem in a heuristic evaluation and what factors contribute to it?
- What is the prioritized list of usability problems and how can it help you improve your project?
- Can you name selected advantages and disadvantages of paper prototypes for UXR and testing?
- Define and describe empirical testing approaches in UXR.
- What are empirical evaluations?
- Can you explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative UXR and testing?
- Why is it important to run a pilot study?
- What are the three general phases in user testing?
- Can you describe some example activities and tasks for each phase?
- Can you explain how what you want to test influences where you test?
- Can you explain how what you want to test influences how many users you test with?
- Why is it important to be cognizant of your audience when you communicate your UXR results?
Use the pages within this module to explore the following concepts:
- Lecture 6.1 | Heuristic Evaluation — Exploration
- Lecture 6.2 | Empirical Evaluations — Exploration
Task List
In order to achieve these learning outcomes, please make sure to complete the following: