Module 3 — Overview


Generative User Research

Module 3 serves multiple purposes which are listed below:

  1. Through three Video Lectures, three Explorations, and extensive readings, students are introduced to the following three foundational topics:

    1. Exploratory UX Research
    2. User Interviews
    3. Observation

    These topics are critical for the initial two phases of the five-step Design Thinking process, which students will use throughout the quarter for their UXR project.

  2. The module serves as a 'buffer' module for the 8-week long, summer quarter. As such, it does not include any larger group assignments or quizzes. This allows us to fuse Modules 3 and 4 in the summer quarter.

Module Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this module, you should be able to do the following (in addition to answering the questions listed below):

  1. Name and explain foundational activities in exploratory UX research.
    • What are some other names for exploratory UXR?
    • When do we conduct exploratory UXR typically? Why?
    • What are some of the commonly used tools and methods in exploratory UXR?
    • What are some of the possible outcomes at the end of the exploratory UXR phase?
  2. Name and explain the user interview process, including its advantages and disadvantages.
    • Can you explain the three general interview types in UX Research?
    • What are some of the commonly used recruiting methods in UX Research?
    • Where can you conduct a UXR interview and why is the location important?
    • Can you differentiate 'good' from 'bad' UXR interview questions?
    • What are some of the ways to have a record of your UXR interview data?
    • Can you name and explain the four steps in UXR interview analysis?
  3. Name and explain the process, advantages, and disadvantages of user observations.
    • What is Ethnographic Research?
    • What is the Hawthorne Effect?
    • What is Triangulation?
    • Can you describe an example of ethnographic observation and identify the possible actors, interactions, and insights you could gather?
    • What is the primary data ethnography attempts to capture?
    • Can you name and explain the selected advantages and disadvantages of ethnography as a research method?
  4. Use a state-of-the-art design tool to create a simple interactive prototype.


Use the pages within this module to explore the following concepts:

  • Lecture 3.1 | UX Research
  • Lecture 3.2 | User Interviews
  • Lecture 3.3 | Ethnographic Research

Task List

  1. Module 3 — Learn how to use a UX Design and Prototyping Tool | Individual Assignment 

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