Start Here - Where to Go for Help?
Technical Support
If you have a technical issue or question when using Canvas, 24/7 support is available through the Help link (question mark in the far left menu) via chat, phone or e-mail.
Additional technical support for use of software and browsers can be accessed through the OSU Service Desk. You can access the OSU Service Desk via phone at 541-737-8787 or through the online form: Submit a Help Request Links to an external site. .
Accessibility Tools for Canvas
The following tools are embedded within the Start Here module within your Ecampus course.
ReadSpeaker - is a tool that reads text on Canvas course pages aloud.
TextAid - is an additional tool that allows users to have nearly any text highlighted and read aloud, including documents, Web sites, text composed by a user, and more. If this tool is not enabled in your course, please ask your instructor to enable it.
For more information, please visit ReadSpeaker Text Aid.
If you have questions about accommodations related to a documented disability, contact the Disability Access Services (DAS) office: The DAS office serves students on all campuses.
Academic Support
There are many resources available to help you achieve your goals in each course. Listed below are several that are applicable to all students in all courses:
- Your instructors, professors, and TAs will be best equipped to answer course-specific questions and may even have some tips on how to study and engage with course material. Explore the Canvas site to learn how they prefer to receive questions (e.g., email, Canvas message, Zoom).
- The Academic Success Center (ASC) exists to help you locate academic support on campus. Email (, text (541-444-5906), or visit the website to learn more about available resources for academic support.
- The Writing Center can help you with many different writing projects. Their peer writing consultants support all aspects of the writing process, from brainstorming and organization to questions of grammar and usage.
- Academic Advisors can help you navigate the university and its many processes. If you find yourself struggling in a course, are interested in the S/U grading options, or have questions about policies and regulations, reach out to your academic advisor as soon as possible.
Student Resources
From the bike shop to the food pantry, OSU has dozens of resources available. The student experience website Links to an external site. has the most comprehensive list of resources available to students. Selecting the “Campus” on the right menu will allow you to find resources available to you, and the filter settings can narrow the list of resources to specific service categories. You can then read a brief description of the service and use the links to find more information about each service and how to access it.
Keep Learning
During Spring 2020, the Keep Learning website will provide general information about remote learning at OSU. If you find yourself asking “How does ____ work with remote campus operations?,” this website is a good place to start. You can also stay up-to-date with OSU’s status and planning related to COVID-19 on the university’s COVID-19 website.